Business Consulting

FM on Call specialises in business consulting services and we partner with you to learn as much as possible about your specific business model, to provide and apply our expertise. Through careful measurement and assessment of your business, we identify opportunities that can improve your business as well as your financial performance. There are various areas of your business that we focus on, and these include:

  • General business advice
  • Business valuations
  • Organisational diagnosis
  • Feasibility studies
  • Organisational Diagnosis
  • Feasibility Studies

General business advice

Getting the right business advice is crucial to your company’s success and future outlook. That is why our business consulting services focus on giving you the best possible advice and ensure that you can benefit from our expertise, because your success is important to us. Business advice can be obtained from us at any point in your business’ development – from start to finish. If you are an established business, we can guide you towards higher profitability as well as overall growth.

Organisational diagnosis

When it comes to organisational diagnosis, our business consulting team specialise in aspects like change management and team building to provide you with a reliable consulting services for your new business model. Other services that we provide include strategy, planning and implementation, documentation services, management development, change management, as well as training and facilitation.

The aim of our organisational diagnosis services is to improve both your individual, as well as your organisational performance. Your company will gain an improved capacity as well as a stronger employee commitment. This will all work together to propel your business to new levels of success as you will have a successful organisational structure and professional advice that can help you build your business and set new financial goals to work toward.

Business valuations

Business valuations are one of the main aspects we excel in. You need to know what your business is worth, as well as the current valuation of your shares, properties and other assets. That is where our business consulting services come in. You will get a current overview of your assets as well as a complete overview of your business.

The valuation of your company depends on two aspects, namely your future assets, as well as the risks session with them. Our team's experience gives you the assurance that the information that you provide you with in terms of your business valuation is as reliable and accurate as possible. Our services also include business valuation consulting, tax valuation and the impairment of assets.

Feasibility studies

FM on Call can assist your business with feasibility studies, which can determine the viability of your technical, financial, marketing and management efforts. This is important for new start-up businesses, as well as established businesses that need an overview of their current position in their respective market. We can assist you with financial plans that can include your income and expenditure, cash flow, as well as balance sheets.

Whether you have a new business or an established organisation, you need reliable business consulting services from FM on Call to succeed and grow your business more than ever before. We assist you to establish new goals, improve your organisational processes, and ensure that you follow a strategic business process.

Being your business consulting team is what we do best. We are invested in your success and we offer our consulting services to help you reach the success you want to achieve for your business.

For more information about our business consulting services, contact   FM  On Call today.

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