First you will need to complete documentation and BEE verification planning,
FM On Call provides BEE verification and BEE Consultation services to customers throughout South Africa. If your company needs to be rated properly and effectively, you can work with us to get your business verified. We can also provide you with information regarding broad-based black economic empowerment, making us your number one BEE resource. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, we assist companies and organisations or all sizes with BEE verification services.
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a national transformation programme launched by the Government to give previously disadvantaged groups economic opportunities that were previously unavailable to them. These include Ownership, Management, Employment Equity, Skills Development, Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development and Socio Economic Development.
It is important to know that BEE is not forced upon any business; however, any business wanting to do business with the Government or wants to have a competitive advantage has to be BEE Compliant. The certification process comprises of a few easy steps, to help determine your BEE level.
There are many advantages of being BEE compliant. You can get the opportunity to submit tenders to government entities or private companies as you will have a valid BEE certificate. You can also ensure that your company has a BEE scorecard, as this is required by the new Preferential Procurement Act.
Another great benefit of BEE verification for your company is that you can now compete against other larger companies to become a preferred supplier. You can also be recognized and receive preference as a BEE supplier on the database of various Municipalities and Government Organisations such as the SETA’s.
Our Verification process follows a 6 Step process.
First you will need to complete documentation and BEE verification planning,
then we will work to gain the necessary evidence,
Consultation to see where we can potential increase your score.
After which we will calculate your rating to show how BEE compliant your company is.
BEE Certificate of your company’s BEE Compliancy and Procurement Recognition is then issued.
Consultation on changes we can make for the next year, Your BEE rating will be valid from one year from the date of your certificate issue.
FM On Callcan assist your business with BEE research, training and advice. We aim to provide you with all the necessary information and procedures regarding verification and we make sure that you know what the benefits to BEE verification services are.
The BEE verification process is quite straightforward. Your company will be certified based on your size and turnover. If you have an annual turnover of less than R 10 million, you can qualify as an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME). Please note that in the Tourism Industry the annual turnover needs to be less than R2.5 million. If your annual turnover is between R10 and R50 million, you can qualify as a Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE). If your turnover is more than R50 million, you will be classified as a Generic Enterprise.
Exempted Micro Enterprises will be awarded a BEE Level 4 Contributor status and have a B-BBEE procurement recognition of 100%. If your EME is more than 50% black owned, you can qualify as a Level 3 Contributor and have a B-BBEE procurement recognition of 110%. Black individuals refer to African, Coloured and Indian South African citizens. To be an entity with more than 50% black ownership, you have to:
Generic Enterprises will be certified according to a specific BEE scorecard, and aspects like ownership, voting rights and economic interest will be taken into account. It’s always a good idea to talk to our friendly team to find out more about the BEE verification process and what your company will fall under.
There are seven elements of BEE verification and they include the following:
In terms of corporate social development, your contributions can be toward your own employees, their families and communities. A good example is paying children’s’ school fees and contributing to a black sports team. BEE certification from FM On Call can be seen as a huge advantage, regardless of the size of your business.
To ensure that you receive the best and most efficient BEE certification services, our professional and highly qualified team is waiting to verify your company and to issue you with a valid BEE certificate.
We offer a streamlined, practical verification service to all our clietns, and understand the importance of accurate and timeously completed BEE ratings.
We also offer you professional advice on the BEE verification process and what it entails for companies of all sizes. You will be made aware of the benefits of becoming certified and how you can improve your current BEE score.
For more information about our BEE verification services, contact BEE On Call today.